Any one for coffee. Well, I think Starbuks has it right. We need to drink more coffee, work more and drink more coffee. Oh, and more work. That is if it is constructive. But wwho defines what work is around here?
Webster has been dead and gone for some time, God rest his soul. But the dictionaries are still here. Yes, I know its really not webster doing the printing now. But its just a thought. Right?
Back to the point. Who defines the words we use? Webster was a Christian and the old versions of the dictionary had Bibilcal scriptures in them. That may rub some people the wrong way. But word origins do count for something.
Had a look at a dictionary latley? There are at least five or six different meanings for one word. Choose your words wisely they carry alot of weight. Excuse me for preaching a little bit. Soap boxes are cheap and almost everyone has a computer and entry to a blog. You can get a free one on Blogger if your looking for a pulpit.
The pulpit of common opinion has some merit if there is a civil discourse and the words are not so heated. Ok, Ok, that's boring. A few hot tempers and heated words here and there are good for the vascular system. Good circulation and all. Most of us have passionate views on various subjects. Different angles on the same subject add flavor.
Life would really be plain vanilla if we all saw things the same way. By the way I have nothing against vanilla ice cream or vanilla beans in general. Or Welfare as my title my imply, or people who recieve public assistance.
So I hear you say What does that have to do with my point? Everything actually. Let me try to explain in English. How we define who we are is ommunication, which is life. How we use words and other forms of communication, our facial expressions our bodies and our emotions is communication. If we can't communicate we can't live. So I say live on. I will with two pennies in my pocket. Even if I have to hock my old IBM notebooks and use someones else's word processor to express myself in word.