Saturday, May 15, 2010

AVATAR : Stewardship or Goddess Worship?

Stewardship or Goddess Worship?

Key Statement - All energy is just borrowed someday you have to give it back.

God has everything. Everthing belongs to Him. A childhood song I learned in Church. Just watched Avatar Stellar movie. Who saw Goddess worship? Some say that the Holy Spirit has female quailities. Some don't see evil as a threat. Which some?

Well, that would be the Trinity Himself. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Joshua of the Bible (my Scriptures), asked a question of an angel once. And the angel told him that God doesn't take sides. Why?

Well I believe there is only one side. God's side. Who can know the direction of His side? Are the Spirituals East or West, North or South? That is why we must not get to haughty. In the Psalms. God says who should question or council Him but Himself. He said this through a human David. But the eithernet Cord's power comes from His side.

In AVATAR there was one tree and in Christianity there are two. But only one that you want to be connected too. And the hair as in Samson's case represented a connector. Only this time the main characters hair wasn't cut. This reminds me to keep the main thing the main thing. That is staying humble and admitting that God holds His own council and everything in nature and humanity belongs to Him. Nature was given to us to steward.

And He alone not the G6 will hold us responsible. He does and may very well use them to do this in the near future. But when we see all things evil we miss the fact that evil is not always tangible. But the Holy Spirit is. So take care of what you have been given. That is the message of avatar to me.

Thanks to the makers of the movie.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Do You Care What I Think?

You shouldn't. God loves everyone. I'm trying to get people to focus on HIS opinion amongst mine and ever other human opinion out there. Did you like my previous post? It doesn't matter. Ignore it. If you want. Its all about what Does Jesus Think. WDJT

He's really intelligent and does think. People including myself all have a level of ignorance. If you don't think so your not that smart. Sorry. We all have something that we don't know. But my belief is that God knows everything. Join me if you want. Or don't. But think about God's opinion of you first before you trash mine.

There is a method to my madness. I'm playing the devils advocate most of the time. And masking my true opinion. Cause people can be harsh. I've lived through enough harshness in my life already.

Have you read the Bible lately. There is facts and Truth and Compassion mixed with Truth. Happy Holiness makes one want to do what God loves not out of any kind of obligation or fear. Fear kills. Don't care so much about people pleasing. You will die trying.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Last Time I Checked?

Well, What do we have to fear? Being Charged with Hate Crimes. Fore preaching, which is part of our charter, what Jesus taught. Jesus did teach we are to preach the Gospel to all men. Homosexuality does not exempt you from Hell. Even hell on earth.

In our bible. God loves us enough to correct. If you see a drowning man would you simply in a nice sweet tone of voice. Say please don't drown. Or do you jump right in with him and pull him violently if necessary out of the water. Then apologize later. At least he will be there to apologize to. If you don't want to live should we just let you die in the water?

What does this have to do with Hate Crimes? Everything as far as I'm concerned. But its not the Hate Crimes Bill I'm talking about. Its a crime to not hate what God hates if you are a Christian. He is not willing that any man or woman should perish. He hates hell and hellfire. Those fires were made for fallen angels not people. So don't go there.

10 ways to avoid Hades.

Die a Christian
Die a Christian
Die a Christian
Die a Christian
"" "" 6
Ok you get the point.

So now that we know how to avoid Hades. Then How do we get to Heaven. Or Heaven on earth. Take responsibility for your own Happiness. Then give some of that same responsibility to God. Its about Happy Holiness I'm talking about here. God is the one who uses people for good. The last time I checked.

He has people lots of people who want to be used for good deeds. So sign up with HIM