Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Ultimate Gift

The Ultimate Gift. DVD, Twentieth Century Fox, PG

A gift is simply something you give away. If we consider gifts From God there is a man's character developed from years of living on this earth. The toil and cares of this world some say are the best teachers. I disagree the choice to live on another plane that the sufferings of this world is the greatest gift from God.

I just finished watching a story of a young man who lived for fun. That is having as much fun as his grandfathers money would buy. Until his grandfather died.The executor of the will gave him a series of tasks to complete before he could earn his inheritance and a single mother and daughter dying of cancer entered his life.

So he has a choice to accept his dead grandfather's challenges or give up.

Our lives are sort of like a blank page for God to write on and we determine how many times He has to erase. He presents us with a series of choices in life. What we do with those choices is our true worship to Him.

SLM, Shundra L. Moore

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

Two children become friends who were ment to be enemies. In the eyes of a child we see a picture of freedom from all guilt even in the midst of a bloody war where men turn themselves into devils. The Nazi redefined humanity as a little higher than an animal and treated each other as animals.

We do find ourselves in war but not the kind that always involves guns. A man can use his mouth as a weapon of mass destruction with ideas that would send a teenager to his death much like the terrorist that claims the Taliban. In gang banging for instance, young african americans call themselves soliders and og (original gangsters) can with a word, a look or a hand sign, send a man to his death. No bullets are necessary.

Some gang members even consider it a right of passage to serve time in prision making prision a badge of honor instead of a deterant to crime. We have to kick the enforcement up a knotch but how? Gang members take the american dream with fear and propaganda pumped into the urban street much like the poision gas of the SS in the movie the Boy in the Striped Pajamas.

So what should civilized America do in the gang war on the homefront? Herd all the young African American males who join the gangs up and throw them all into prision so they can earn thier stripes and gain a higher rank in the gang? Or fight the propaganda with another kind of propaganda that isn't false.

But we seem to fall short and treat each other like animals in this drawinistic age. Just look at the labels of corporate american such as the "rat race" or dog eat dog world. According to Darwin aren't we all just educated monkeys that evolved? Well, even if I'm considered unevolved by some in academia who are Darwinist I choose to treat myself like more than an ape. Let us hope that we can see each other in a another framework even if we disagree on how to deal with a problem such as gang wars in America.

Because the truth is that Hitler believed that jews did not evolve but the made up Arian races did. So he wanted to purify the earth of these missing links, the jew, who were not quite finished with thier evoluting.
Those who are biased cannot lay down thier bias if they do not admit they have one.

I am biased on a number of issues but I choose not to judge any person by a belief system. I believe that God does the changing or is in charge of the evoluting if you believe in that.

SLM, Shundra L. Moore

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Seeing the Spirituals

Eph 1:5 God was kind and decided that Christ would choose us to be God's own adopted children. Contemporary English Version

From God's prepective He decides and is kindness personified. If you do not see Him as kind and loving you will not be able to appropreate that part of kind facet of Him into your life for His loving use. It is not what we are capable of it is what He is able to do. We as God's adopted children just get to ride the wave.

The wave is not the vehicle God is, and everything that makes up who He is. This is the mystery. But in Hebrews 1 we get a sneak peek into the mystery that is God through Jesus, the God Man. We choose what facet of Jesus that we recieve. Because we have a choice. And that choice that God gives every human is the lynch pin of the universe. The deciding factor in interpretation of many things in the Spiritual.

So those of us who see Him as Kindness, Loving and all knowing have a responsibility to those who cannot see God at all. Or refuse to acknowledge Him at all. Love does not take account of wrong. Those things in the Spirituals that are off limits are there for protection sake if you see God as Love.

The Spirituals are not just songs sung to encourage each other, but the other Kingdom of Heavenly things and beings.  Lend a blind brother your eyes so they can see God as who He is. And know Jesus as the personification of His Book. If you see a person living in a snake pit and don't tell them you are not seeing clearly. You are not operating in Love. If you cared you would tell the brother or sister they are in danger. You just don't tell them where they are but help them out of the pit. If you are in the pit with them you are in no position to pull them out.

There is the drowning principle that must be followed. If you try to save a drowning person and they will not let you, instead they take you to the watery grave with them. You cannot help them. But those cases are rare.

Back to the point of the Sword. Interpretation. Jesus is alive and speaks through dreams and other methods. Open Visions, impressions, thoughts, that all line up with the key. How one sees God.

Seek Him and you will find your reward. Sight enough to see the King, and to operate in His delegated authority for His purpose.If you have something or someone blocking your way that is fine. It comes with the territory of seeking and seeing God for who He really is. God will find you where ever you are. That is His part of His purpose.

Later Alligator - Exodus 2:3
Shundra L. Moore

Friday, April 29, 2011

As the Horse

Psalm 32:9 Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding: whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, lest they they come near unto thee.

I've been stubborn since I got here on this earth. And that subborn attitude saved my newborn life. But here in Psalm 32:9 David speaks of another kind of attitude that has to be proded and poked with a bit in the mouth and reigns that pull this way or that. There is a positive aspect to this kind of leading, that is if a righteous Man has His hands on the reigns. Then I must be quick to yeild to the turn of His hands the kick of the spur. This is a lesser way of being commanded by our Savior Jesus. But it is a way that can be used by the Savior on ones who have no understanding. It times I must admit Iam one who has no understanding but we all will find ourselves here from time to time. All things work together for good to those who are called according to His purpose(s) for each individual life.

Having Understanding

This is the highest form of yeildedness. Moving with the nudges and shifts of the Jesus's Spirit of Truth who is the Holy Spirit. I say Jesus's Spirit of Truth because there is a intricate working together between them. He could not come unless Jesus left to take His rightful place in a Heavenly place. Whether this place be on earth or not we count this as a mystery. He is our Soverien and can do as He wills with the laws of Science. So we must not be quick to assume what Spiritual law is in operation at a given time unless the one who is King of kings lets us in on the mystery.

Micah 4:12 But they know not the thoughts of the LORD, neither understand they his counsel: for he shall gather them as the sheaves into the floor.

Later Alligator
Shundra L. Moore

P.S. Thanks for studying the Bible with me come back and study with me again.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Working On Something

Compelling people to receive God's Love through others. Sometimes you have to go through their hearts desires (their likes) to compel them to see how much God has already done for them.

Not many will want to bless another in this way. Some say you have not qualified for the blessing. But God qualifies by the blood of Jesus not from works even if those works are in faith.

Works that are in faith are simply acts that please God. But God is not waiting for you to please Him to show you Love. That would be a barter system. I don't serve a Jesus like that one. His love is unconditional His mercy and favor is at His command.

If I live in poverty for the rest of my life I will still be content. Not with the poverty. But with my relationship with God. I personally choose to be content. Because he has already delivered me from Hell. I'm not trying to buy my salvation or pay God back for saving me from Hell by pleasing Him. I make an effort to please Him because I love Him.

And he is showing me how He wants to be Loved. Because I asked Him how He liked to be Loved. That answer has reward in learning the personality of Jesus. How about knowing someone personally who can make a new star system. I'm working on that.

Later Alligator - Exodus 2:3
SLM Shundra L. Moore

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Worship in Spirit and in Truth

Worship in Spirit and in Truth.

God is Spirit and we are created like Him by God. Man is also spirit and is called to yield himself to his true nature, which is a spirit who has a body. That one who yields will agree with Jesus who is the God man.

I hear you say agree in what way should I agree with Jesus? Well, God is concerned with our condition on this earth. He even sent His son, Jesus, to make sure that we have the ability to live the life that He died and was raised from death for. The ambition of my life is to know by experience this a life that consistently yields to God in the mundane day to day life right here on earth.

The Third person of the Trinity the Holy Spirit who is also God is here to help me with this ambition. I am concerned about where in life and how correction by the Holy Spirit is given. For me personally this correction usually comes concerning how I see God. As Father as friend ect. But I know even His correction is kind because I know Him. If I see God as a harsh being who sends all types of calamity to train me to be Holy or separate from the world system. This attitude will affect how I receive His promises to me. Do you see God as a god who has to be angry to get a point to a lesser being or is completely justified in getting angry at sin which is separation from His children?

Sin can be illusive for the Christian and other honest seekers. Especially if you can recognize the big ten thou shall nots or the don’ts. Our enemy will usually will not come at those who recognize those in an obvious way. The don’ts are there to show us the boundaries of protection so that we can stay within His shielded area. But I am convinced that God wants us to know Him by who He is not what He does not want us to do.

I see and am seeing God as a kind Father who has all power and will not force His Lordship on His capstone creation, who is man. A kind God who wants me to execersise my God given authority in situations where others are not willing to submit to or are unaware of God's true nature. As He did.

I consider worship as everything that one is and does towards God. And as I said God is concerned with my condition on this earth being the same as the position that Jesus won for us, all humankind, on the cross of Calvary and in the rich man’s tomb. How we see God is paramount to how we act towards His promises to us in the Bible and proclaimed to us by the Bible made flesh Jesus.

So if God makes you a promise How you see Him will determine if you take His promise seriously. Or if it is just another man's broken fantasy proposed as Truth. Who do you worship? What is He like?

Is He concerned about you? Do you have to break a coded language to get to Him or jump through a series of intellectual hoops just to be aware of His presence? If so consider Jesus who is willing to meet you where ever you are.

Worship is about God and how you see Him. We can only worship in our daily lives to the degree that we believe that He has our best interest at heart. He wants the best for us more than we want the best for ourselves in this life.

Later Aligator
SLM - Shundra L. Moore

Friday, April 15, 2011


Obadiah 1:17 But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.

My definition of escape or spiritual deliverance is simply a way out of. Of what? Anything and everything that would prevent one from experiencing the Love of God for the individual and the group collectivly.That specific anything would be different in each individuals case. In Obadiah there is a negative judgement pronounced on the wicked of the day, but on God's people there is another pronouncement one of a promise of possisions and powerful deliverance. The wicked in this case is anyone who would take Love and twist it against its Author.

In a eariler post I mentioned Loving your neighbor in a individual way or a way that the individual would like to be Loved. Because Love is like that it does not seek its own. But let me clarify the butter here. Those likes should never come in a manner that is opposite or opposed to One who is Love and that is God. Because the one who we call Jesus Loved us unto death so that we could live a life full of God's Love towards Him and others.

Mount Zion I believe is God's collection of believers assembled together with one purpose in mind. To Love as we are loved by the One who has no wickedness in Him. This Him is Jesus in the flesh of our daily lives. This is an invitation to join us in this quest to remove the stumbling stones that we at one time picked up and threw at one another. But were stopped in our tracks by Love who arested our hearts, and not only convicted us but moved on to compell us to Love Him and others in small and great ways.

I will speak more of the personal small ways with the power of God sprinkled on it in Later post. Because as the miracle of the loaves and fishes. As the song goes, little becomes much when you place it in the masters hand. The small ways of God are day to day activity that honors God or commonly known as worship. I perfer that with prophetic worship music on instruments. Kind of like really good coffee with whipped cream on top.

But back to the point of the sword. God's people will have a judgement also. It is already decided, grace (khane - strongs number H2580) Psalms 84:11-12 so this is an open invitation. God loves people cuz He created us and validates all who are worth anything.

Earthquakes are not the judgement of God, bad weather is not from God. I think that His creation is affected by sin which is our separation from God's power. His power is His Good News. Without Jesus we are all lost. There is no way of escape without the power that Jesus provides through His sacrifice on His Cross. Justice or God's judgement is good and Godly for those who overcome evil with good. So confess Jesus today if you are alienanated from God.

Pray this prayer with me. Jesus I want to be in your family. Forgive my sins that have twisted my good intentions to live a Godly life apart from you. Please turn your negative judgement in my personal life to vengence against your enemies in my personal life. Show me how to live for you. Open your Scriptures to me so that I will know your better.

Rise up in me Lord Jesus as the Holy Spirit raised You from the dead and live Your life through mine. Help me to forgive those who have tresspassed against me as you now forgive me. Give me Holy Spirit power to walk in your purpose for my life so that every thing will work together for good. Amen.

Later Aligator - Exodus 2:3
SLM. Shundra L. Moore

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Forgiving Yourself

Forgiving Yourself

But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. (Mat 6:15)

Ever heard the saying you cannot give what you do not have? Well forgiving is not one of those. We don't forgive sins Jesus does. And if we hold something against a brother or sister that Jesus is ready to forgive we stand in the way of God. Don't pick a fight with Father God. We cannot wait until we are forgiven to forgive. We just do as the Father did. And as Jesus does. To forgive you start from God's perpective not your own.

But its interesting as this also applies to us. Forgiving ourselves for what we have done for whatever reason requires us to know where forgiveness comes from. I have only one Source. Jesus. This Source already decides to forgive with one exception when we choose not to.

So my question is why haven't some forgiven themselves? They are looking for someone to give them the ok to forgive themselves. Well the He we call Jesus, already says yes I died for you to be forgiven, So yes you are forgiven under the only living human sacrifice that Father God has recieved. So we take the lead now the tennis ball is in our court. Forgiveness is available to all humankind. Do we take it for ourselves first? Well not always. But it is very hard to forgive others if you have not first forgiven yourself. So start with yourself as I do. A self evaluation of sorts. Is there a care a worry that I have not given to Jesus? If so give this to Him. The Him we call Jesus. He will take it from you, then you are free to lead others to the feet of Jesus where forgiveness of sins is available. Saying I forgive you is not always needed. Can we say Jesus forgives you of your sins to one another?

Some may say that is reserved for those who are priest or pastors. But we are called priests and kings as Christians. Why can't we act like it in that way? So if we say I forgive you and mean Jesus forgives you by the Blood He shed on the Cross of Calvary. Then I believe that the Power of God will rest on our word to a brother or sister who is hurting and wants to recieve forgiveness of their sins. For one reason. That is the only way we can forgive each other.

SLM, Shundra L. Moore,
Forgiven in the Beloved.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Loving Your Neighbor Romans 13:8-10 MSG (Message Bible)

Subtopic: Loving and answering the don'ts of Life.

Neighbors come in all religious flavors. Not all of them Christians. When Jesus walked this earth the first go round He loved all into health that He came in contact with, but there were a few exceptions. Those with hearts intent on keeping their own way of hate.

I don't like to admit that I sound like the evil guy at times but that is true for all of us at one time or another. But that is par for the course if you are intent on reaching the goal of Loving your neighbor as yourself. But it is the standard by which we Love that I am concerned about. If we aim low. What good is it even attempting to hit the mark at all. An example of a low mark would be following the crowds idea of a debase mind. Or living like you have nothing to live for. Which because of aiming low in life some lose hope of ever reaching a Higher the Spiritual mark of acutally living in Wholeness with others.

For example a healthy relationship with the God of the Universe would start you off on a Higher Plane in my opinion. My God for example expects those who believe He exists to acutally Love each other to the point that they would lay down thier lives for each other. Not in a false since of humility. Where you deny your God given desires. But you just choose to give them away. Back to that God who gave them to you first then to others who are lacking and others who have more of a Healthy realtionship with the God of the Universe than you.

Every person on the planet got standards even if they are not aware of them. Our job is to live in such a way that we represent those who are in Authority over us. And live like you acutally want to Love your neighbor even if you fall far short.

A family friend preached a sermon about the dirt and grime being flushed out of our systems once we decide that we want a Higher form of Life on this earth. It the grime shows sometimes when its being flushed out of your system so we must be patient with ourselves and others in this process of "purging" the system.

In Christian circles we often disagree on how to go about this flushing out. Denying yourself things that would not benefit the process or should I say help it along. But if you pay attention to Jesus' Ways as my family friend told me. You would see that Love is the more excellent way. No one disagrees with Love for the most part. Its detecting the way a person will recieve this Godly Love that is the key. Every human is different. So how you show this Love to should differ from person to person. Jesus was and is a Master at this skill.

He, Jesus disliked the pigeon hole approach where one expects all people to just recieve Love in the same way. So this unique approach to each human makes us rely on a Higher Power who would know each persons hearts desire and help us to Love them how they want to be loved the most. Uniquely. But there are a few things that are common to all. And thats where most of us live. In the common areas.

But what if God has called every human to learn how to Love each other individually and collectivly in a new Light. This Light I speak of knows everyone individually from their birth and even after their deaths. So what's my point?

The struggles common to humans work fine we start there as a point of contact when we Love each other back into a healthy sense of this new Light. Those are the basics of Loving each other. But to get to the Higher Levels attention much be given to how one likes to be Loved. Not just how that should be Loved.

We all fall short of the land of should be. I should know how to do this already but I'm still learning. I should not even think of hurting another back just because they hurt me. I should do many things that I don't do and that in our Holy Book is sin ( seperation from Power ). I should, I should, I should. And I could go on. But that won't help me learn this Higher Level of Loving my neighbor. I can only speak for myself since I know a little bit of how I liked to be Loved and Loved into learning to Live in this Light. Who is a personality. A person, a human no less. But even more than a human a God Man who seeks to show us how to be God men.

So lets agree to disagree in true Love and lets learn to be all that we can be Spiritually. I do not agree that all will reach this High level of Love. Because, the one who is teaching me said they wouldn't. I believe Him. As to the number who will ultimately miss the mark of the Higher Calling I cannot say. But training each other to Love will help more than hurt the number who will ultimately reach the Destination I speak of.

Later Aligator.

SLM, Shundra L. Moore

PS. excuse any mispelled words.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Center

In some eastern religions people meditate to find their center. A happy place where they can withstand all the termoil of this world. But as Christians the center of everything is Christ Jesus. So if your looking for power? Jesus is the One who is power. By His power the worlds were formed by Him and through Him.

But my question that answers your question is: What for? What are you going to use the power that God gives you for?For the hurting the suffering those who have no hope?

Some in my family have commented that they feel lonely, me too, sometimes. But there are times when eagles have to fly alone. And Jesus will be the wind that will lift you above your stormy curcumstances. And Jesus will translate you into His right hand of power for the purpose of being able to live this life as a witness of God's Loving authority. You don't have to do much. Just ask Him to help you.

Cry out to Him from a place of honesty about your feelings. Some say you should ignore how you feel and just fuction from what you believe. Well I believe that santified feelings are tools in Jesus's hands. And if you ignore those you sear your emotions to a point of being numb, but Jesus will awaken those when you ask and even before.

The catch is to "get santified" but even there you don't have to do too much cause Jesus does the seperating to His use. We just have to know Him when we see Him operating in our lives. That may take the rest of your life but the adventure is worth the time of looking for Jesus hand in your life.

I define His hand in your life as what Jesus does for you, and to you, to let you know the God of the universe is your help and comforter when you feel seperated in a negative way.

Shundra Here "found the center = Jesus" at least today anyway. :)

In Hebrews 2:10 says in the Contemporary English version
10Everything belongs to God, and all things were created by his power. So God did the right thing when he made Jesus perfect by suffering, as Jesus led many of God's children to be saved and to share in his glory.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Day is Evil... Matt 6:34

Take no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. The thought preceeds the word and the word preceeds an action or reaction. What will be our actions concerning the evil in this day.

Will we let evil win over our thoughts and speech. The day itself is not evil but there will be enough evil in the day for a sufficient distraction unless we as Christians and honest seekers decide on purpose to act like the Day is Good.

Why? Well the alternative is not the best choice. It creates nothing to let evil thoughts and words take your actions to a place that destroys instead of builds our hearts desires into a practical reality.

I hear you out there. Of course I want to build my dreams into reality. So since you like me have already decided to experience our dreams on this earth, what do we think say or do about good and not just evil. That my dear Watson is the right question. Evil will take care of itself eventually. Confessions of God with a believing heart will build. Confessions of the God kind will lead to thoughts that will lead to actions that will support your dreams coming into reality. God wants your dreams that line up with His purposes for you more than you do. And this one must know more than anything or anyone else.

He Jesus is pleased when your Godly dreams come true and your nightmares disapear even though evil stands at our door. The blood of Jesus is the nightmare killer. The ultimate scarifice of Jesus accepted by God the Father opens the door to the Heavens. Where all our needs and wants in Christ are met.

An established foundation is what I must build with my words that agree with The Word of God who is Jesus. No other foundation but Jesus will stand against evil. So let us build on the work of Jesus who stops death at the threshold of our scantified hearts.

Before I start with my personal confession let me tell you what I want. I new home in a safe neiborhood where I can wake up and walk outside and appreciate God's handiwork of nature in the morning. A ranch style with no stairs. :)

So I confess over my life: Isa 66:1-2, Matthew 6:33-44, and last but not least 1 Peter 5:7-10

Thus saith the LORD, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest? For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the LORD: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word. (Isa 66:1-2)

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. (Mat 6:33-34)

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. (1Pe 5:7-10)

So search a topical bible if you need to and find some anchors to your hearts desire that will uplift your soul today. Confess and meditate and contemplate on your anchor scriptures. And lets build our dreams into reality in a day that evil wants to stop us.

Shundra L. Moore

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I have no pleasure in them... Ecc. 12:1

God's pleasure is an interesting subject. What gives God pleasure, the prosperity of His people. But prosperity is a wholeness word. As a sister in the Lord always says nothing missing nothing broken. But back to the point of the sword. The presence of God is indication that He is pleased. But with who? Jesus and us God actually likes to spend time with His children and those who are just curious about the family of God. He loves His chief creation and his other creations in nature, such as animals and trees are already fully submitted to Him. But we His chief creation have been given the power to choose. Between the lesser and the greater which is Jesus.

The experience of knowing that He gave His life for us. Not only that He suffered pains that we no longer have too but now choose to suffer with Him. So choose to suffer with Him and one day be glorified with Him in the Heavenlies.

The prosperity on earth is just a down payment of Heaven and the Kingdom of God. Speaking life that is then manifested by the Power of the Holy Spirit is a skill of the Spirit. Co-operating with Jesus is Faith that we will build on into etnernity. Imagine what worlds that we will build with Jesus in the Heavenlies. Let us start with our lives and speak God's pleasure in the earth.

But there are those in the earth that God has no pleasure in. They are not human and they don't like you or any of humankind. They fell from the Heavens and desire to seperate God's children from the purposes He desires for them. Don't agree with them or respond to them other than to shun them and turn to God's pleasure for you. We have all of eternity to learn what brings pleasure to Father God and His Son Jesus. Let us start now.

Total completeness in Jesus Chirst. Restoring man back to the pleasure of God the Father is the job of the Holy Spirit flow with Him today.

Shundra L. Moore

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Family Trees

Esther 4:14 (Contemporary English Version)
14If you don't speak up now, we will somehow get help, but you and your family will be killed. It could be that you were made queen for a time like this!"

To: First Ladies in Government Civic and Spiritual and all the rest of us.
From: A servant girl.

Speak Up now or forever live with a spiritual death of millions who need help.
There are millions of families who look to our leaders for help. But what do they recieve. Money? Well that is needed and desired by many including me, the servant girl. But there is more than money there are relationships with others who already know your faults and yet still love you.

But that is the question how do we love the starving the spiritually dehydrated the suicidal gay children who find themselves outcast and cut off socially from the greater society. How do they want to be loved? Did you ask God.

There is a empidemic of suicides in the US which is ongoing among our teens. Millions die unknown, unnoticed, uncared for. Who will speak up for them.

Not just those who are gay according to thier personal definition. Which we all are allowed to have in God's Kingdom. I may disagree with the sexual orientation but all deserve unconditional love. I do not require a gay child or adult to be straight before I love them.

Can a gay person be a Christian? I won't debate that one on this post but I will say this. Love should not discriminate as pain does not. I can only speak for my own struggle with my sexual identity. The only thing that did convert me was the Father God's unconditional Love and Like through others who knew what it was to be accepted.

Will you speak up for Love and save a life? And affect a family tree. One life saved is worth speaking up.

Shundra L. Moore, SLM
Loved and Beloved by Jesus to share that, Love.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Got a Postcard Lately?

(--) Just Watched Shawshank Redeemtion on AMC tonight. Did ya see the part where Morgan Freedman's character got a postcard from his friend who was free while he was in prison. It was blank, that is execpt for the cover. One friend was in prison and one was free. The comparison is about forgiving others. This is for anyone who wants to check out our Holy Books the Scriptures. Not just Christians. We Christians call it a Bible, 66 books in all. Lets take a look at Matthew 18:30, and the surrounding verses.


Matthew 18.
23Therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened unto a certain king, which would take account of his servants.

24And when he had begun to reckon, one was brought unto him, which owed him ten thousand talents. 25But forasmuch as he had not to pay, his lord commanded him to be sold, and his wife, and children, and all that he had, and payment to be made. 26The servant therefore fell down, and worshipped him, saying, Lord, have patience with me, and I will pay thee all. 27Then the lord of that servant was moved with compassion, and loosed him, and forgave him the debt.

28But the same servant went out, and found one of his fellowservants, which owed him an hundred pence: and he laid hands on him, and took him by the throat, saying, Pay me that thou owest. 29And his fellowservant fell down at his feet, and besought him, saying, Have patience with me, and I will pay thee all. 30And he would not: but went and cast him into prison, till he should pay the debt.

31So when his fellowservants saw what was done, they were very sorry, and came and told unto their lord all that was done. 32Then his lord, after that he had called him, said unto him, O thou wicked servant, I forgave thee all that debt, because thou desiredst me: 33Shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellowservant, even as I had pity on thee? 34And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him. 35So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses.

The point? We can choose to make prisions of unforgiveness or catalog peoples lives who have set themselves free by forgiving as their Father in Heaven has forgiven. It is better to send than to recieve.

Good Night

SLM, Shundra

Monday, February 7, 2011

Victory over Condemnation.

The Body of Christ has a urgent need to stop with the fruit inspection at least with the tool of condemnation. We must test every spirit but how do we do this in light of our Saviors Great Grace? Sow Grace.

So if we Love act like it. We must not act like the Pharisee and question and test on the grounds of stirring up a spirit of strife. He who overcomes must not surround themselves with those who want to live in the past of  a attitude of Condemnation.

So if a man is in a spiritual bondage do you really think he or she is not aware on some level. The awareness of Christ must be increased not the awareness of the depravity of the soul. What are we looking for? Don't sign up for the sin police. They get paid in misery. Sin is taken care of by Jesus alone. Works must flow out of His Grace.

Prophetical words that sting are on  a different coin than the one who is giving a word because they have witnessed a brothers or sisters fault first hand. Testing to see if they are over it must be done in a Spirit of Gentleness. Check your own methods first before you inspect a brother or sister in Christ Jesus. God the Father will judge all.

Have you believed by works or faith in Jesus ability? Who is worthy but works of Jesus the only Christ alone all else is filthy rags. Later.

The solution: I keep this in mind. God ain't mad at me or anyone else because of the sacrifice of Jesus' Body.


Sunday, February 6, 2011


Against such there is no law.

Self control personally is a fruit of the Spirit that I most covet. I enjoy to watch and study people who have this gift in abundance. So those who control themselves and the power that G-D gives them is most honorable to their Creator. So we must all learn this discipline among many of the fruits of the Spirit.

But the question is how? Fruit doesn't strive to be fruit it just is. Its attached. So I strive to stay attached to my MESSIAH the Holy one of Israel.


Friday, February 4, 2011

The Iron Giant

Great DVD it should be on every families movie shelf. Story about a boy and his friend a GIANT from outter space. Two themes jump out at me on this one. The cold war where we fought against the idea of nuclear proliferation. And secondly, a young boy saving the world. At first glance one would think it was the GIANT who saved the day, but the boy did more than save the day. He gave his friend the motivation to save the world.


To The Christian Missionaries

To just a tweet but not on my twitter page. Check the State Department first before you travel. And only go to those baned countries if you are truely led by GOD.

SLM Represent.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Good Project for someone

ImageMagick and Ambigram software idea. Ambigram Magazine charges for theirs. So they would not be suited for the opensource community.

Have ya heard of this new trend? If you watched the movie angels and demons you have. Well anyway getting back to the idea.

Use ImageMagick and an opensource script font and Caligraphic font. To create the Ambigram Software. Outsource the job on to a php programmer according to your budget. Post back with your progress. So that I can use the software thanks.

Check out this link for a great Ambigram Tutorial and buy a book through the amazon links on the site.

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Last Airbender Review

I'm a Christian and I love this movie. Why? Well let me see if I can explain. The Buddist theme in this movie is impossible to ignore as a person of another faith. But don't throw the baby out with the bath water. The Water tribe in this movie are the heros. Water in our Scriptures the Holy Bible is a symbol of the Holy Spirit especially in baptism. Our first disipline Baptism represents laying down our lives for the cause of Jesus Chirst.

A young boy giving up his life for the responsibility of serving his nation to fight against those who  seek to kill the Spiritual World and the special effects awsome. Its worth renting the DVD. So on your next movie night Get this one. If your a Christian explain to the children the similarities and the differences between the two faiths.

In my world the Last of the Airbenders is Jesus.


Not Budda?

I have a question is our Jesus so tiny that we begin to define Him by Who he is not.

I really think we should start to heal the rift between others of different faiths. Meaning. Jesus is the one who does the convincing not us. We only need to be ready to give an account of who we believe in.

Its like cursing the darkness instead of shining your light in a dark place. If you feel that a Buddist is not walking in the full inlightenment of Jesus Christ as I do. There is no need to badger those who believe in Budda or Chrishna or any other religion. Budda is gone on to the next life of which I believe there is only one eternal life that begins when you are truly enlightened by Jesus the Messiah, the only Christ.

I believe we should define Jesus with your life by all that He is, not just limiting Him with who or what He is not.


Gotta Trust Sombody.

We as americans must trust each other amist crime waves like this recent shooting where representative Giffords was gravely shot. My prayers and thoughts are with her as she struggles to get well. I know that the prayers of the Nation will help her heal.

We must trust in federal law enforcement and government officials to apprehend people who are troubled and committ crimes like these.
