The Lord Jesus grew up in a pastoral community. In other words He was country folk. He preached of seeds and vines, cattle and unblemished sacrifices. But He was the only sacrifice that was pleasing to God. It is easy to be thankful for His gifts and callings. This also is Him. Jesus is not separated from anything of substance that He gives. He is the gift and all good gifts come from the Jesus who gave His life for every human on this planet.
So what does this have to do with country folks. Well the the one who keeps the wolves from the sheep is from a Spiritual Land 1st. The location that one comes from does define them. So as we look to this Spiritual Land that all who believe in Jesus originate from. We must define ourselves by this land and not the place of our physical birth.
No matter what land God placed you in on this earth if you are a Christian this is not your actual home. The home that governs what happens on this earth is not of this earth but Spiritual 1st. As we go through times that are not so comfortable on this planet. And we seek to solve problems that have no apparent solution that is easily applied to our particular situation. We look to grab hold of something that is eternal in the heavenly places that Jesus obtained access to for us.
This country I speak of has a place for everyone who would honestly seek it. This place in the heavenly places is accessible everywhere at the same time to all even those who have no earthly wealth to speak of.
If you find yourself in need of a place to rest. Look for His place carved out especially for you in the Kingdom of God. All honest seekers are welcome from all nations tribes and people groups. Only in His country will we agree on the issues that will mold the present and future of this earth.
Enemy of the Welfare State Official Site. This blog and all its contents and products are fully copyrighted unless otherwise stated. (c)2007-2012 Shundra L. Moore
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The Voice of a True Martyr
Psalm 22:31 People not yet born will be told, "The Lord has saved us!"
We consider Jesus who resisted unto death and was raised from the dead. In His most stressful times He still had His eye on future generations.
Hebrews 12:2 KJV Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
The future is not behind us but ahead but we must get back there in a sense. In other words we must focus on the Author and Finisher of time to move on into future events. Jesus knows our end from our beginning. So simple trust is enough even when He allows betrayal and hardship. Those who give into fear have taken their hands off the plow, looked back and turned away from the joy that is being set before them by God Himself. Jesus a True Martyr is the time machine. So we must all trust Him when we cannot see past our present circumstances.
Now as for the joy of the Lord. If His Lordship is not a part of our lives the benefits will be hard to see. We are encouraged by David to forget not even one of His benefits even in our past mistakes and failures. The future is out there to engage and take hold of it in the present is the goal. As Christians this is what our savior Jesus did. All can call upon Jesus's name and get power for a present need. Even those who do not believe that He is Messiah. He is God like that. So whoever you are, wherever you are don't forget Jesus laid down His entire life as a true martyr to get you in return.
He considers us worth it.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Biblical Psychology
Man suffers from dis ease when his heart is needy. And needs comfort. But this is not the only reason. There is a Holy dis ease that is healthy. Those times are an indicator that things or somethings are not right. If we have no alarms in our systems to tell us when things are not right Spiritually or physically then we are in real trouble.
Medicine is good for physical treatment of pains and aches. But if we never get to the source of the problem then such medicine does more harm than good. Medicinal cures are hard to come by. And they come with much study by people who say they are smarter than I am.
My mother often tells me there is a difference between book knowledge and applicable knowledge that one can use. So that brings me to my point. Comfort comes when people relate to a situation that is common or known by them. Our Christian bible has many words of comfort in it. But some divorce it from the context. An awesome God wants to help us navigate through this life. With the knowledge that He this God cares about everything that concerns us.
Our faults and our fears are known to Him and He still cares. But how does this God communicate this to us. As far as I am concerned His chief method is through other people. And if our relationships with others are affected then our ability to receive Love from God is severely hampered. Especially if that is our way of receiving Love from God.
Christians can relate to what I am saying in this post. But if your main way of hearing your god is through yourself or works that you do yourself, then you cannot. Cults work by cutting you off from your family unit that is God chief way of showing that He is working in your life. And then replacing God with a false relationships that continue to feed on keeping you cut off from your Godly social unit.
How should a person who find themselves in this situation get out of it? Ask God to repair the breach between you and your family He God is the only one who can help.
Some in the Christian church act like people of other faiths who practice isolation when they give in to an offense against another Christian or non Christian brother or sister. So the answer is forgiving each other and moving on.
Medicine is good for physical treatment of pains and aches. But if we never get to the source of the problem then such medicine does more harm than good. Medicinal cures are hard to come by. And they come with much study by people who say they are smarter than I am.
My mother often tells me there is a difference between book knowledge and applicable knowledge that one can use. So that brings me to my point. Comfort comes when people relate to a situation that is common or known by them. Our Christian bible has many words of comfort in it. But some divorce it from the context. An awesome God wants to help us navigate through this life. With the knowledge that He this God cares about everything that concerns us.
Our faults and our fears are known to Him and He still cares. But how does this God communicate this to us. As far as I am concerned His chief method is through other people. And if our relationships with others are affected then our ability to receive Love from God is severely hampered. Especially if that is our way of receiving Love from God.
Christians can relate to what I am saying in this post. But if your main way of hearing your god is through yourself or works that you do yourself, then you cannot. Cults work by cutting you off from your family unit that is God chief way of showing that He is working in your life. And then replacing God with a false relationships that continue to feed on keeping you cut off from your Godly social unit.
How should a person who find themselves in this situation get out of it? Ask God to repair the breach between you and your family He God is the only one who can help.
Some in the Christian church act like people of other faiths who practice isolation when they give in to an offense against another Christian or non Christian brother or sister. So the answer is forgiving each other and moving on.
Sounding Off
If we hear the sound of children asking for help. We are on our way to true religion. Not a fakey shakey kind that attracts play actors who are only attracted to the benefits of Christian service. We must help the orphans and widows first.
This is true religion.
This is true religion.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Digging Through Spiritual Trash.
How do we know if we blame God for actions that the devil committed with the questions like, How can God allow me to suffer? When is my time of relief from this suffering coming?
The answer the time of refreshing and resource is already here, and I believe there is greater coming, but people can throw spiritual trash at us. And we can lash back at them and use another spiritual principle as an a smoke screen by saying we are speaking the truth in love. It is up to us if we let anyone's action offend us. If we are really wanting to help a brother or sister by correcting them in love these questions that must be answered.
If we want to get out of the Spiritual Trash. We must know if we as in the corporate church are mad at our brother as a whole. Because there is a blessing in unity. Are you your brothers keeper? We can make excuses and say I am discipling the sister or brother and I am in authority over them so I must tell them the Truth. Or is there an offence there. I heard a sermon by a brother John Bevere based on his book the Bait of Satan. He talks about taking offense as being the chief problem when one falls into any type of sin. Forgiving is a principle that is the answer to the problem of offence and must not be mistaked as a weakness.
So I'm all for getting out of the trash. Join me and take the high road and don't take offense so easily. Harsh joking and being hypocritical by acting like we are something we are not. For example supposing that we have no limitations in this time of refreshing is not conducive to unity in the Body of Christ. There is a commanded blessing in unity but offense and strife will break and cause division. There are some things that money cannot buy. Peace is one of them but restful slumber in a a state of false peace is dangerous.
So if you find yourself restless it could be a warning from the Lord Jesus Himself that something is wrong and it is time to take action. Forgive, because that is a Principle that is ingrained in fundamental or should a say basic Christianity. Thank and praise your way into the tabernacle not made with human hands and run to His mercy seat in the time of need. Father God has need of us. We must not waste our time in the trash.
The answer the time of refreshing and resource is already here, and I believe there is greater coming, but people can throw spiritual trash at us. And we can lash back at them and use another spiritual principle as an a smoke screen by saying we are speaking the truth in love. It is up to us if we let anyone's action offend us. If we are really wanting to help a brother or sister by correcting them in love these questions that must be answered.
If we want to get out of the Spiritual Trash. We must know if we as in the corporate church are mad at our brother as a whole. Because there is a blessing in unity. Are you your brothers keeper? We can make excuses and say I am discipling the sister or brother and I am in authority over them so I must tell them the Truth. Or is there an offence there. I heard a sermon by a brother John Bevere based on his book the Bait of Satan. He talks about taking offense as being the chief problem when one falls into any type of sin. Forgiving is a principle that is the answer to the problem of offence and must not be mistaked as a weakness.
So I'm all for getting out of the trash. Join me and take the high road and don't take offense so easily. Harsh joking and being hypocritical by acting like we are something we are not. For example supposing that we have no limitations in this time of refreshing is not conducive to unity in the Body of Christ. There is a commanded blessing in unity but offense and strife will break and cause division. There are some things that money cannot buy. Peace is one of them but restful slumber in a a state of false peace is dangerous.
So if you find yourself restless it could be a warning from the Lord Jesus Himself that something is wrong and it is time to take action. Forgive, because that is a Principle that is ingrained in fundamental or should a say basic Christianity. Thank and praise your way into the tabernacle not made with human hands and run to His mercy seat in the time of need. Father God has need of us. We must not waste our time in the trash.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Children obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Ephesians 6:1
How many of us have Godly Spiritual parents that mentor us and train us up in the way that we should go. Are we submitting to those Spiritual parents as a child should obey their parents. Authority comes when we submit to authority. Whether it be political authority or civil authority any other authority that God has put on this earth.
(Romans 13:1 KJV)
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
I often disagree with our current administration on some ideas, but I must honor my governmental authorities. In God I cannot slander them or disrespect them as Romans 13:1 says. I must pray for our president and ask God that He guide Him into making wise choices for our nation.
1 Timothy 2:1-6 KJV I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; (2) For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. (3) For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; (4) Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. (5) For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; (6) Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.
All of our wise choices come from wise decisions that spring from prayer. Prayers for each other and prayers corporately as a collective church. So as we go to our voting booths be they electronic or otherwise. We must engage in actively seeking to shape how the executive branch looks.
If our leaders are corrupt so goes our nation. If our leaders are a blessing our nation will be blessed.
God Bless America
How many of us have Godly Spiritual parents that mentor us and train us up in the way that we should go. Are we submitting to those Spiritual parents as a child should obey their parents. Authority comes when we submit to authority. Whether it be political authority or civil authority any other authority that God has put on this earth.
(Romans 13:1 KJV)
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
I often disagree with our current administration on some ideas, but I must honor my governmental authorities. In God I cannot slander them or disrespect them as Romans 13:1 says. I must pray for our president and ask God that He guide Him into making wise choices for our nation.
1 Timothy 2:1-6 KJV I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; (2) For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. (3) For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; (4) Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. (5) For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; (6) Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.
All of our wise choices come from wise decisions that spring from prayer. Prayers for each other and prayers corporately as a collective church. So as we go to our voting booths be they electronic or otherwise. We must engage in actively seeking to shape how the executive branch looks.
If our leaders are corrupt so goes our nation. If our leaders are a blessing our nation will be blessed.
God Bless America
Sunday, August 1, 2010
The Rejected
He hears us in our prayers and meditations. What does it take for blessed assurance that God hears us and loves us with an everlasting Love. Will it take a whirlwind of fire as in the days of Elisha. Or can we hear His still small voice amongst the voices of people. God will meet you where you are.
What doest thou here, Elijah?
God asks this question today of us who grow weary in well doing. He does not always answer in the whirlwind. But is the still small voice a lesser miracle. Because God sometimes chooses the foolish things to confound the wise. Remember even the least in the Kingdom of God is greater than Elijah who received a greater anointing than his mentor. Our King is Jesus who says this in Luke 7:28.
Many of us are here in the cave because in our hopelessness we have played with the fire of our enemy the Devil who was known as Satan and goes by many other names. Pro 6:28, Psa 139:8 But God will meet you where you are. He doesn't want that any human would perish in their sins. His mercy and loving kindness endures forever. Don't refuse Our Lord Jesus when He ask you, What are you doing here?
Some others are in the cave because of service to our King. And even others are there because of a mixture of both. But God will meet you where you are. Our enemy wants to kill us spiritually and physically but his motives are to take as many people to Hell with him as he can. Jesus Calls us out of the cave of the cares of this world. And for this reason there is work to be done. And Jesus wants you. Weak tired or broken it does not matter. Jesus is on the potter's wheel prepared to make us over again.
Jeremiah 18:4 And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it.
So we submit to God making us new again. But others want to remind you of your faults and short comings. Your past failures or your current ones that you have repented for. What should you do? Remember the still small voice that drew you out of your cave of sin. And know that He loves and does not remind us of the past or any current weakness unless it needs to be dealt with. Otherwise you should reject all voices that heap on condemnation. Our medicine is God's companionship.
Humanism is relying on others to be your god for you. And Jesus will allow anyone who wants to to stay in the cave and wait for a replacement. But the counterfeit is not the original.
We all need to talk to God and His people. But what if His people don't want to talk to you? They just want a to fellowship with God but not His people. Or you don't fit into someone else's idea of a good enough Christian to fellowship with. Remember He will meet you where you are. Jesus accepts the rejected in the Beloved. Jesus says in Matthew 19:29
Matthew 19:29 KJV
(29) And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.
Remember He will meet with you. So ask Him.
What doest thou here, Elijah?
God asks this question today of us who grow weary in well doing. He does not always answer in the whirlwind. But is the still small voice a lesser miracle. Because God sometimes chooses the foolish things to confound the wise. Remember even the least in the Kingdom of God is greater than Elijah who received a greater anointing than his mentor. Our King is Jesus who says this in Luke 7:28.
Many of us are here in the cave because in our hopelessness we have played with the fire of our enemy the Devil who was known as Satan and goes by many other names. Pro 6:28, Psa 139:8 But God will meet you where you are. He doesn't want that any human would perish in their sins. His mercy and loving kindness endures forever. Don't refuse Our Lord Jesus when He ask you, What are you doing here?
Some others are in the cave because of service to our King. And even others are there because of a mixture of both. But God will meet you where you are. Our enemy wants to kill us spiritually and physically but his motives are to take as many people to Hell with him as he can. Jesus Calls us out of the cave of the cares of this world. And for this reason there is work to be done. And Jesus wants you. Weak tired or broken it does not matter. Jesus is on the potter's wheel prepared to make us over again.
Jeremiah 18:4 And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it.
So we submit to God making us new again. But others want to remind you of your faults and short comings. Your past failures or your current ones that you have repented for. What should you do? Remember the still small voice that drew you out of your cave of sin. And know that He loves and does not remind us of the past or any current weakness unless it needs to be dealt with. Otherwise you should reject all voices that heap on condemnation. Our medicine is God's companionship.
Humanism is relying on others to be your god for you. And Jesus will allow anyone who wants to to stay in the cave and wait for a replacement. But the counterfeit is not the original.
We all need to talk to God and His people. But what if His people don't want to talk to you? They just want a to fellowship with God but not His people. Or you don't fit into someone else's idea of a good enough Christian to fellowship with. Remember He will meet you where you are. Jesus accepts the rejected in the Beloved. Jesus says in Matthew 19:29
Matthew 19:29 KJV
(29) And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.
Remember He will meet with you. So ask Him.
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