Wednesday, October 28, 2009

War, Love, and Peace. Issue 13

I don't claim to know about war. But common since tells me that people who are on our side should take aid designed to felicitate peace. But there must be accountability of what is done with the money but no strings attached to the funds.

UN aid money is a strange creature we have enemies who don't want to help in this new war. So it is hard to convince our allies to take aid that is meant for them.

So how do we do this. convince our friends that the USA means well and wants the war to end with good people in leadership? Education could be an answer. Thank God for our Cabinet who engage in a education bliz internationally. Although this is not what they call it. I just like to coin phrases.

Building bridges is hard work and I really don't lean diplomatically, but this is the best route.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Politically Incorrect or Correct or Right ore

What do you think of the U.N. Summit? Don't bother answering. I'll answer my own question. We all want weapons of Mass Distruction to end their reign over this world. I am an ex peace lover. I know that there is a righteous cause for war. So we must fight a good fight.

But we don't have to use uranium in the fight. I'm all for a good game of spades to settle the worlds issues but that's a fictional dream. The worlds leaders all sitting down at a card game table and playing a game of Mahgong. We should probably let the kids do that.

But we as leaders of our own worlds must communicate with each other. In our particular sphere of influence we must rule. Not with an iron fist but with a cool head and a sharp wit. I use my wit quite a bit but I have to work on the cool head part.

Friday, September 4, 2009

A Good Name

Have you watched the news lately. How much does a good name go for. Not speaking of a domain name. Reputation is everything in some situations. More on a good name later.

Issue 12: The Uriah Complex

Have you ever walked in Uriah's shoes?
Well that is not the best feeling in the world. If you trust me or not, don't play David in that situation.

14And it came to pass in the morning, that David wrote a letter to Joab, and sent it by the hand of Uriah.

15And he wrote in the letter, saying, Set ye Uriah in the forefront of the hottest battle, and retire ye from him, that he may be smitten, and die.

16And it came to pass, when Joab observed the city, that he assigned Uriah unto a place where he knew that valiant men were.

17And the men of the city went out, and fought with Joab: and there fell some of the people of the servants of David; and Uriah the Hittite died also. (2 Samuel 11:14-17, King James Version

This complex is not a paranoia but a simple fear of human error. That is human error by people who have earned their way to positions of authority justly. But for some reason loose track of their goal. Following the wrong orders without trusting your inner self will always end in sorrow.

We have millions of people for some reason or another don't do the right things. But there is no law against stupidity. So why is that enforced. Why do we put people in jail just because something doesn't feel right. Oh you say there is your contridiction. No, there is no waffling here.

I'll define your inner self, at least my definition. Your inner man submitts to all governmental authority. And checks itself against another factual source. The real Truth is not afraid of facts, even if they do not jive with your relative truth.

There is relative truth and absolute Truth. There are different belief systems on this planet. And we must respect each others truth. Even if you believe there is no truth at all. This is the USA a free country and we must live with this respect. The Uriah Complex happens when this respect does not exist in a particular space. So to real live Uriahs' dead and gone. I dedicate this article.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Issue 11: Health Care or No Health Care that is the question

Dropping just a few lines hopefully not flat lines for some Americans. Editorial kinda

How many people died today because they couldn't afford to buy their medicine and had to purchase food instead. How many marines shot themselves because their doctor had too many clients. See: Suicide in the Armed Forces Washington Post. For some stats. Doctors are human and may not be able to do their job in without a good team of nurses behind them. Isn't there a shortage of nurses in some areas of the US? How does one diagnose PTSD in 15 minutes? I'm not wasting time placing blame on the doctors. And I have no idea how to answer the previous question. I wanted the question to be rhetorical. Anyway, I'm actually trying to put a human face on the medical industry. I have two retired nurses family. One deceased. Even though they worked in a system that is vastly different from this modern day medical industry. The buck always stops with the doctor. Good doctors are not a dime a dozen.

So where are the answers?
If health care is not paid for doctors will retire early. They will opt out of the system. We will have a shortage of smart people becoming doctors. Meaning the best of the best will not become doctors. Blackberries, computer chips loaded with personal medical information, firewalls that protect that said information. Computers for every doctor that can strap to their hip. Plenty of Velcro.. but that's my dream anyway.

President Obama said in his address that he "wanted to cut waste out the the system" Where will the cuts take place? The learning curve for bringing some health care IT systems up to par will be steep. Training will cost money. Where do we cut? Who pays for what?

Should people who have more pay more? I really don't think so. That option should not mandatory at least. After Katrina the whole country chipped in. My home state of Mississippi handled their funds well and many people rebuilt their homes. So educate and show how important health care is to Americans who choose between food and care. And maybe we can rebuild the health care information technology system.

Doctors hold a special position in our society, some even worship them. I don't go that far but with much power there is much responsibility. I'm quoting Spiderman the fairly recent movie 2002. Doctors are not gods but they do have to think on their feet, work under extreme pressure and without hesitation. How long can the brain go without oxygen? I don't know, but not for long.

So my hope is that local doctors in my area get the technology that they need with the training for new interns. And that the bill gets paid. Live long and prosper.

Issue 10: The Economy is Not the Problem

Racial Profiling or Racism in our Country is alive and well.
So what is the solution?

Our President is African-American in the literal sence. But the problem is a subtle poision that is killing our viewpionts individually. Some in our country (USA) and I reiterate some saw voting for President Obama as penance for past wrong doings. And some good folks pull a Daniel and try to stand in the gap for there relatives and others that they personally know to be racist.

This is good in principle. But the solution is not just educating those who want to show emphathy in the positive sence. I believe it is about acting on compassionate feelings that we all have as human beings. We all have commonalities and those who are righteous humans will seek after those common likes and dislikes.

We who seek to be diplomatic but often fall short must keep trying. We must not let the hatemongers win. Non-violent resistance is the backbone of a movement gone by in a time before I was born. But movement must be reawakened by each new generation. Whether it be x y or z whatever the label put on us we must contribute however we can.

I have a anger problem I get angry at hate but don't know what to do with my anger at times. So I vent. Writing is theraputic for me I regress but anyway I'm going somewhere with this. This country is got issues alot of us are angry and its not about the money trickle.

Its a self problem. A hopelessness that is sweeping the small town inner cities and the big towns not just in this country but in the world. When people lose hope they throw fits. Just like a child who has no power over the adults who care for them. So who is doing the caring? We must learn to care for each other in all our differences, and find our common ground. If we don't we will be looking at a new world chaos that will show up as war.

Wars and rumors of wars, riots and more riots passive words hold back anarcy. Maybe if we use more violent words and vent on paper a little, just a little. Violence wont show up on the streets. I'm no fan of real violence that kills and scars people.

Soulish wounds don't heal as fast as flesh ones. So lets hope that we can all get along.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Issue 9: Valkyrie (2008)

Well this is not exactly about Valkyrie its about Akmadinajad. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I know in a round about way what the story is about, thanks to the History Channel. What can I say, I watch too much TV. I need to pick up a book now and then. But anyway, there may be a civil war in Iran.

What do you think? Well I'll answer myself this time. I think its almost certain. Am I comparing Akmadinajad to Hitler. Yes. That's mean I know, but he already made an obvious threat against Israel and that's holy ground for me. Judaism forms the basis of my Christian faith. So thems fighting words.

Well hopefully the people of Iran will make their feelings known. And vote for another leader. A little birdie from CNN just told me that he meaning Akmadinajad is popular. Shia and other factions of the Islamic community are not always in agreement so lets hope that I'm wrong and there will be a peaceful resolution to the problems in the nation. And no attempt on Akmadinajad's life is carried out. But from where I sit I see that on the horizon very soon.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Last but not least. Lets all pray for our neighbors in Pakistan more specifically those in the Swat Valley.

Disclaimer: If i misspelled any persons, places or things in this entry of my blog it is or was not on purpose. No insults are meant and I hope none is or was taken.

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Unknown

Here in Greenwood watching CNN and honoring the fallen veterans. My uncle Earnest was a veteran and he died of lung cancer a while back. What I knew of him was a mild gentle man who smoked too much. I miss him as the other veterans families miss there veterans. God Bless the American Troops.

Well here is the mini story honoring the fallen veterans

The Unknown

Earnest you got that shell, yeah I just got my hands on it. You sure we got the numbers right. Yeah, should hit the enemy right between the eyes. If we get um with this one we can advance on. Sure about two feet. Don't be so down hearted.

I sure miss FLorida she is my girl. Keep your mind on the job man we need to get this one right. Sorry my mind wandered a bit.

Well we cant miss this one by a bit people are depending on us now. Really tell me something I don't know, just pour the pressure on. Ok, Ok sorry but we have to wait on the go ahead. Well you got the radio. Yep I do. Any word yet? Nope not yet you got a smoke, sure here ya go.

Boom! Boom! Boom Dat Dat Dat Dat. Duck we've got in comming. Darn I lost my smoke. Man your crazy. No just ready to return the favor.

Glossary Prose:

Ready take that gun
Don't loose your view in the sun
The go ahead might take some time
Depending on if we blow thier mind.
Favor is God's choice.
Who lives and who dies is not for us.

Can You finish the story? Honor the Veterans Today.

Issue 2: Black Coffee

Any one for coffee. Well, I think Starbuks has it right. We need to drink more coffee, work more and drink more coffee. Oh, and more work. That is if it is constructive. But wwho defines what work is around here?

Webster has been dead and gone for some time, God rest his soul. But the dictionaries are still here. Yes, I know its really not webster doing the printing now. But its just a thought. Right?

Back to the point. Who defines the words we use? Webster was a Christian and the old versions of the dictionary had Bibilcal scriptures in them. That may rub some people the wrong way. But word origins do count for something.

Had a look at a dictionary latley? There are at least five or six different meanings for one word. Choose your words wisely they carry alot of weight. Excuse me for preaching a little bit. Soap boxes are cheap and almost everyone has a computer and entry to a blog. You can get a free one on Blogger if your looking for a pulpit.

The pulpit of common opinion has some merit if there is a civil discourse and the words are not so heated. Ok, Ok, that's boring. A few hot tempers and heated words here and there are good for the vascular system. Good circulation and all. Most of us have passionate views on various subjects. Different angles on the same subject add flavor.

Life would really be plain vanilla if we all saw things the same way. By the way I have nothing against vanilla ice cream or vanilla beans in general. Or Welfare as my title my imply, or people who recieve public assistance.

So I hear you say What does that have to do with my point? Everything actually. Let me try to explain in English. How we define who we are is ommunication, which is life. How we use words and other forms of communication, our facial expressions our bodies and our emotions is communication. If we can't communicate we can't live. So I say live on. I will with two pennies in my pocket. Even if I have to hock my old IBM notebooks and use someones else's word processor to express myself in word.

Honoring the Fallen Veterans

Here in Greenwood watching CNN and honoring the fallen veterans. My uncle Earnest was a veteran and he died of lung cancer a while back. What I knew of him was a mild gentle man who smoked too much. I miss him as the other veterans families miss there veterans. God Bless the American Troops.

Hope to be publishing a short story honoring them later on today.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Issue 8 : When the Good Guys Use Bad Tactics

Have you seen Spiderman? You know the part when the main character lets the bad guy get away and then the bad guy shoots and kills his uncle.

Well thats what happens when the good guys act like bad guys too long.They take on the characteristics of evil. If anything can be caught it is bad. The bad that happens when you sleep with flys or lies I should say. What do you mean I hear you say? Well, its like this the bad guys lie and the real ones lie really good. You can't out lie the Father of Lies who is the chieftan of everything that is against decent society.

Anarchy thrives when good guys do nothing or stand back and play David when he sent Uriah's death papers to the front lines of battle. 2 Samuel 11:14. We as a country must not use the death tactics of terror.

I serve notice to police officers and departments across the country. YOU must not use the brutality of lower thinking to out smart criminals. So honesty is where the gold mine is, especially amony comrades. If you don't consider a piece of information credible then through it out. But don't play people against each other and expect to get a good result. People will still die. If you don't consider the worth of each any individual life then we all will suffer for it.

As far as waterboarding or other terrorist tatics are concerned the opinion of most Americans is that if one is put under terrorist tactics they will do anything to stop the techniques of terror.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Issue 1

Have you seen the movie Enemy of the State with Will Smith & Gene Hackman? Great Movie! Gotta go see that one. The main character is targeted by federal agents. Will Smith has some stolen property planted on him by some very bad guys. That's where my title comes from. It applies in this way.

There are some in our governmental system with a every strange mentality. Our economy is currently undergoing a correction, many people are being let go from jobs some are being outsourced to other nations that can do the job at lower cost. And as we look for solutions to this crisis. We as a country seem to be rehashing old ideas instead of looking for new ideas to solve new problems.

This crisis can be an opportunity in some circumstances, but some solutions, such as decreasing the unemployment ranks by robbing Peter to pay Paul. only increases the turmoil and strife get between all political parties. But what about the class of peoples who have never been a part of the workforce.

The invisible men and women who don't think they can make a living in this society or have a career and not a job. They are the true untapped precious metals in a world of fool's gold. IMHO
Speaking as a fairly young, African American woman on a limited disability income. I can relate to the hopeless feelings one experiences when they cannot make a perchase that is needed or is looked on as uneducated because of the balance of their bank accounts.

This strange mentality I'm speaking of is known to me as the Welfare Mentality at least my definition of it. It is commonly associated with lower people in the income levels who have lost hope and depend on the government to support them for the rest of their natural born lives.

Some see this syndrome as something confined to the African American community, but the stats don't bear this to be true. Government Stats But even if this were true, why would one want a whole segment of the US population to be dependant on a source of income that is unstable at best? Don't answer that question, you might incriminate yourself.

But back to my point. This Welfare State Mentality is more wide spread than just being hopelessly dependant on a governmental income. I see it as being akin to someone who expects, as Pharoah of old did, people to make bricks of straw and mud without straw or mud or the tools necessary to do this. I'm thinking of people who are giving a hand up into a mud pit and then saying if you don't work you don't eat.

This is a very subtle disorder. The Welfare State Mentality as I see it is a disorder of those in the higher income levels of all nationalities who want a slave labor force and don't realize they do. Before I go on let me stat that I lean towards the Republican Party in my political affiliations but I'm a true Independant at heart in my home state.

My critique is for those who I respect the most, those in that same Republician Party. Be forewarned don't exact much work from those who don't have the tools to do the job. So here's a wake up call. Don't tie up our economy. Give people hope and vocational training so they can have the skills to be a valuable part of our economy.

Reprint Rights

The reprint rights for the Article Series: Enemy of the Welfare State are for sale for $300 per circulation meaning per issue. Hint: each article is an issue. A link back to the blog must be given with credit to Shundra L. Moore.