Monday, January 10, 2011

The Last Airbender Review

I'm a Christian and I love this movie. Why? Well let me see if I can explain. The Buddist theme in this movie is impossible to ignore as a person of another faith. But don't throw the baby out with the bath water. The Water tribe in this movie are the heros. Water in our Scriptures the Holy Bible is a symbol of the Holy Spirit especially in baptism. Our first disipline Baptism represents laying down our lives for the cause of Jesus Chirst.

A young boy giving up his life for the responsibility of serving his nation to fight against those who  seek to kill the Spiritual World and the special effects awsome. Its worth renting the DVD. So on your next movie night Get this one. If your a Christian explain to the children the similarities and the differences between the two faiths.

In my world the Last of the Airbenders is Jesus.
