Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Learning About Islam

I am on a quest to learn what my Islamic brothers and sisters, in the since that we are brothers in humanity, are feeling about the peace process.

I seems that it depends on who you ask weather or not Islam is a peaceful religion. I am for expressing yourself in word as passionately as you can. Maybe then those words will not become harmful actions.

I just googled Wahhabism and found some interesting definitions on Wikipedia.


The Wahhabis/Salafis consider themselves to be 'non-imitators' or 'not attached to tradition' (ghayr muqallidun), and therefore answerable to no school of law at all, observing instead what they would call the practice of early Islam. However, to do so does correspond to the ideal aimed at by Ibn Hanbal, and thus they can be said to be of his 'school'.[22]


I have one issue with the Fiqh definition. "answerable to no school of law at all" as Americans we are answerable to law. How does the Wahhabi brother or sister reconcile this conflict. Anarchy is not an option in America or any other civilized nation.

Later SLM

Friday, September 17, 2010

Leave the 99

A pulpit is not needed to leave the 99. We as ministers of Jesus' Ministry must leave the Church to seek to save  the Buddhist, seek after the brother in the Mosque for Christ sake, seek after the soul of The Jehovah's Witness, and so on. Any opposition to the Gospel of Jesus will bow in Jesus presence not ours. Bible Reference - Luke 15:4

The bowing happens automatically without Christians having to push Buddha or Mohamed down at the feet of Jesus. We say we believe Jesus has all power. So why must we help where help is not needed.

Lets reason with a brother of another faith that we fundamentally disagree with. How can they be saved unless they hear and be loved back into health? 

Later. SLM

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Hostages to freedom that is what the people of our nation should strive to be. With Terrorist threats against our military and ignorant hate speech at home. We should be mindful that freedom isn't free.

But our speech is. So speaking as one who has walked a razors' edge as far as the limits of free speech. Let us make our words count for something and build bridges of hope and hospitality between different religions and beliefs and even opinions.

How can we do this? Well that will be something I will be working on for the rest of my days. So while we in the US are building new infrastructure for safety's sake and job creation. Let us not forget the Spiritual roads that we can build by touching a individual heart with a kind word.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Man Over Board

In my humble opinion loyalty is key in politics. We as Americans are a finicky people when it comes to our representatives in Congress and the Executive Branch. But we have a right to be. Their salaries are paid with tax dollars. I personally don't contribute that much to the tax pool as far as monitary funds go. But sales tax does count for something.

Because the people who pay their salaries will have some hard questions to ask. Like, why don't I get the same health care as one who has more insurance than I do? Or I should say better health coverage than I do.

The Pollters say that Republicans are going to win the House of Representatives in the next elections. My question to the pollters is this. Must we be in political office to influence the Legislative Branch. If I remember correctly Mr. Bill Gates went to congress to testify and had Congress jumpin to his beat. I don't remember him winning any political office of any kind.

President Clinton will always be callled President and will influence our way of doing things until he dies. So why are so many people holding on to what the polls say. Influence comes in many forms. My Grandmamma always told me never to take anyone for granted. I really think people who distance themselves from a President or anyone in power just because he or she is unpopular is not the best way to go. So lets not throw the President overboard just yet.

Our current economic situation is not a Jonah situation.


Monday, September 6, 2010

Wade in the Waters

Americans' seem to be complaining about our economic situation lately. Should I vote for a Dem or a Republican or dare we say an Independent in the elections? Some say I don't want to pay more taxes.

In other third world countries they can't get the services we do as American's. We must realize how good we have it. I think don't we do. Some countries pay double the taxes we do in the US and don't get any services for their money.

I love my country, the USA. I hope that others internationally who can't get the services that we can in America will get the help and support from charitable organizations based in the US.

We should pray and not be so frustrated about our woes in America that we forget others. So pray and give to others so they will have the basic staples and supplies they need to live.

Wade in the Waters of the experience of someone other than yourself. And forget about what you don't have and give what you do have. Even if it is just $1 dollar.