Two children become friends who were ment to be enemies. In the eyes of a child we see a picture of freedom from all guilt even in the midst of a bloody war where men turn themselves into devils. The Nazi redefined humanity as a little higher than an animal and treated each other as animals.
We do find ourselves in war but not the kind that always involves guns. A man can use his mouth as a weapon of mass destruction with ideas that would send a teenager to his death much like the terrorist that claims the Taliban. In gang banging for instance, young african americans call themselves soliders and og (original gangsters) can with a word, a look or a hand sign, send a man to his death. No bullets are necessary.
Some gang members even consider it a right of passage to serve time in prision making prision a badge of honor instead of a deterant to crime. We have to kick the enforcement up a knotch but how? Gang members take the american dream with fear and propaganda pumped into the urban street much like the poision gas of the SS in the movie the Boy in the Striped Pajamas.
So what should civilized America do in the gang war on the homefront? Herd all the young African American males who join the gangs up and throw them all into prision so they can earn thier stripes and gain a higher rank in the gang? Or fight the propaganda with another kind of propaganda that isn't false.
But we seem to fall short and treat each other like animals in this drawinistic age. Just look at the labels of corporate american such as the "rat race" or dog eat dog world. According to Darwin aren't we all just educated monkeys that evolved? Well, even if I'm considered unevolved by some in academia who are Darwinist I choose to treat myself like more than an ape. Let us hope that we can see each other in a another framework even if we disagree on how to deal with a problem such as gang wars in America.
Because the truth is that Hitler believed that jews did not evolve but the made up Arian races did. So he wanted to purify the earth of these missing links, the jew, who were not quite finished with thier evoluting.
Those who are biased cannot lay down thier bias if they do not admit they have one.
I am biased on a number of issues but I choose not to judge any person by a belief system. I believe that God does the changing or is in charge of the evoluting if you believe in that.
SLM, Shundra L. Moore