Eph 1:5 God was kind and decided that Christ would choose us to be God's own adopted children. Contemporary English Version
From God's prepective He decides and is kindness personified. If you do not see Him as kind and loving you will not be able to appropreate that part of kind facet of Him into your life for His loving use. It is not what we are capable of it is what He is able to do. We as God's adopted children just get to ride the wave.
The wave is not the vehicle God is, and everything that makes up who He is. This is the mystery. But in Hebrews 1 we get a sneak peek into the mystery that is God through Jesus, the God Man. We choose what facet of Jesus that we recieve. Because we have a choice. And that choice that God gives every human is the lynch pin of the universe. The deciding factor in interpretation of many things in the Spiritual.
So those of us who see Him as Kindness, Loving and all knowing have a responsibility to those who cannot see God at all. Or refuse to acknowledge Him at all. Love does not take account of wrong. Those things in the Spirituals that are off limits are there for protection sake if you see God as Love.
The Spirituals are not just songs sung to encourage each other, but the other Kingdom of Heavenly things and beings. Lend a blind brother your eyes so they can see God as who He is. And know Jesus as the personification of His Book. If you see a person living in a snake pit and don't tell them you are not seeing clearly. You are not operating in Love. If you cared you would tell the brother or sister they are in danger. You just don't tell them where they are but help them out of the pit. If you are in the pit with them you are in no position to pull them out.
There is the drowning principle that must be followed. If you try to save a drowning person and they will not let you, instead they take you to the watery grave with them. You cannot help them. But those cases are rare.
Back to the point of the Sword. Interpretation. Jesus is alive and speaks through dreams and other methods. Open Visions, impressions, thoughts, that all line up with the key. How one sees God.
Seek Him and you will find your reward. Sight enough to see the King, and to operate in His delegated authority for His purpose.If you have something or someone blocking your way that is fine. It comes with the territory of seeking and seeing God for who He really is. God will find you where ever you are. That is His part of His purpose.
Later Alligator - Exodus 2:3
Shundra L. Moore