The Ultimate Gift. DVD, Twentieth Century Fox, PG
A gift is simply something you give away. If we consider gifts From God there is a man's character developed from years of living on this earth. The toil and cares of this world some say are the best teachers. I disagree the choice to live on another plane that the sufferings of this world is the greatest gift from God.
I just finished watching a story of a young man who lived for fun. That is having as much fun as his grandfathers money would buy. Until his grandfather died.The executor of the will gave him a series of tasks to complete before he could earn his inheritance and a single mother and daughter dying of cancer entered his life.
So he has a choice to accept his dead grandfather's challenges or give up.
Our lives are sort of like a blank page for God to write on and we determine how many times He has to erase. He presents us with a series of choices in life. What we do with those choices is our true worship to Him.
SLM, Shundra L. Moore