Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Prodical Daughter

My testimony in a nutshell is the prodical daughter.

In the church we stand at the mike and testify of our expericences about how God has brought us through a trial in this life. I will not take the time to do that here. At least not in detail. What I want to do is Testify of His power in my life to help another. Not just focusing on myself but how my trials have helped me help others.

I have been delivered from much to love much. But one thing angers me. Those who sit in false judgement. Judge not lest ye be judged. Forgive so that you can be forgiven. We sow our lives not just the Word. I want to talk about the Word made flesh and the Holy Spirit acts through our lives. This helps us to renew our minds to the fact the Holy Spirit has asked us to make room for Him. To live with us and in us and through us. And all that is in opposition to Him must be laid at the foot of the cross or nailed to it.

I recently saw a Promise Keepers meeting where Ann Graham Lotz said something that quickened in my spirit. "We give ourselves to God in pieces" Unlike God who gives us His whole person at once.

We may have a experience where we are filled with the Holy Spirit who is exactly like Jesus without a body. We are to be His body on earth as we yeild our memebers to Him in word and deed.

I personally have made a covenant with God but I have violated this covenant and had to repent. But God is faithful and keeps His promises. We have to speak up and flee when we are in a Joseph and Potiphar's Wife situtation.


Thursday, November 4, 2010


Christians are elected too. We are called to live above the fray of low life opposition to our principles.

I happen to live in a lower income area where people associate income with class. By that I mean sophistocation or intellengence. I also have a handicap which sometimes retricts my speech. So like moses I am slow of speech. But my physical and demographical limitations will not stop me. I choose to live above the low life that some people insist on living.

We are free moral agents and if one wants to live a lower life on the food chain than God has called them too then that is thier choice. But the low living that I resist is not aimed the particular group of people that I live around. I love my neighbors. I live among and am part of the working poor. Its the criminal mind that insist on hurting others on purpose, that I object to.

We have too live under a constant awareness of those who don't want to work for their daily bread but take it from others that work hard for what little they have. So if you fall into the taker catagory get help and try another life. You are called to be a part of the elected.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Does Allah Love?

A question for my brothers of Islam. Does he ? Because my God does Love and through people no less. I'm not talking of the kind between husband and wife. But son and father or daughter and mother.

The Allah that I know of is very harsh. So I was just posing a question. The eye for an eye literal and all is hard to stomach. Wonder where he got that one from? I have heard it before. :) From Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Learning About Islam

I am on a quest to learn what my Islamic brothers and sisters, in the since that we are brothers in humanity, are feeling about the peace process.

I seems that it depends on who you ask weather or not Islam is a peaceful religion. I am for expressing yourself in word as passionately as you can. Maybe then those words will not become harmful actions.

I just googled Wahhabism and found some interesting definitions on Wikipedia.


The Wahhabis/Salafis consider themselves to be 'non-imitators' or 'not attached to tradition' (ghayr muqallidun), and therefore answerable to no school of law at all, observing instead what they would call the practice of early Islam. However, to do so does correspond to the ideal aimed at by Ibn Hanbal, and thus they can be said to be of his 'school'.[22]


I have one issue with the Fiqh definition. "answerable to no school of law at all" as Americans we are answerable to law. How does the Wahhabi brother or sister reconcile this conflict. Anarchy is not an option in America or any other civilized nation.

Later SLM

Friday, September 17, 2010

Leave the 99

A pulpit is not needed to leave the 99. We as ministers of Jesus' Ministry must leave the Church to seek to save  the Buddhist, seek after the brother in the Mosque for Christ sake, seek after the soul of The Jehovah's Witness, and so on. Any opposition to the Gospel of Jesus will bow in Jesus presence not ours. Bible Reference - Luke 15:4

The bowing happens automatically without Christians having to push Buddha or Mohamed down at the feet of Jesus. We say we believe Jesus has all power. So why must we help where help is not needed.

Lets reason with a brother of another faith that we fundamentally disagree with. How can they be saved unless they hear and be loved back into health? 

Later. SLM

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Hostages to freedom that is what the people of our nation should strive to be. With Terrorist threats against our military and ignorant hate speech at home. We should be mindful that freedom isn't free.

But our speech is. So speaking as one who has walked a razors' edge as far as the limits of free speech. Let us make our words count for something and build bridges of hope and hospitality between different religions and beliefs and even opinions.

How can we do this? Well that will be something I will be working on for the rest of my days. So while we in the US are building new infrastructure for safety's sake and job creation. Let us not forget the Spiritual roads that we can build by touching a individual heart with a kind word.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Man Over Board

In my humble opinion loyalty is key in politics. We as Americans are a finicky people when it comes to our representatives in Congress and the Executive Branch. But we have a right to be. Their salaries are paid with tax dollars. I personally don't contribute that much to the tax pool as far as monitary funds go. But sales tax does count for something.

Because the people who pay their salaries will have some hard questions to ask. Like, why don't I get the same health care as one who has more insurance than I do? Or I should say better health coverage than I do.

The Pollters say that Republicans are going to win the House of Representatives in the next elections. My question to the pollters is this. Must we be in political office to influence the Legislative Branch. If I remember correctly Mr. Bill Gates went to congress to testify and had Congress jumpin to his beat. I don't remember him winning any political office of any kind.

President Clinton will always be callled President and will influence our way of doing things until he dies. So why are so many people holding on to what the polls say. Influence comes in many forms. My Grandmamma always told me never to take anyone for granted. I really think people who distance themselves from a President or anyone in power just because he or she is unpopular is not the best way to go. So lets not throw the President overboard just yet.

Our current economic situation is not a Jonah situation.


Monday, September 6, 2010

Wade in the Waters

Americans' seem to be complaining about our economic situation lately. Should I vote for a Dem or a Republican or dare we say an Independent in the elections? Some say I don't want to pay more taxes.

In other third world countries they can't get the services we do as American's. We must realize how good we have it. I think don't we do. Some countries pay double the taxes we do in the US and don't get any services for their money.

I love my country, the USA. I hope that others internationally who can't get the services that we can in America will get the help and support from charitable organizations based in the US.

We should pray and not be so frustrated about our woes in America that we forget others. So pray and give to others so they will have the basic staples and supplies they need to live.

Wade in the Waters of the experience of someone other than yourself. And forget about what you don't have and give what you do have. Even if it is just $1 dollar.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Country Folks

The Lord Jesus grew up in a pastoral community. In other words He was country folk. He preached of seeds and vines, cattle and unblemished sacrifices. But He was the only sacrifice that was pleasing to God. It is easy to be thankful for His gifts and callings. This also is Him. Jesus is not separated from anything of substance that He gives. He is the gift and all good gifts come from the Jesus who gave His life for every human on this planet.

So what does this have to do with country folks. Well the the one who keeps the wolves from the sheep is from a Spiritual Land 1st. The location that one comes from does define them. So as we look to this Spiritual Land that all who believe in Jesus originate from. We must define ourselves by this land and not the place of our physical birth.

No matter what land God placed you in on this earth if you are a Christian this is not your actual home. The home that governs what happens on this earth is not of this earth but Spiritual 1st. As we go through times that are not so comfortable on this planet. And we seek to solve problems that have no apparent solution that is easily applied to our particular situation. We look to grab hold of something that is eternal in the heavenly places that Jesus obtained access to for us.

This country I speak of has a place for everyone who would honestly seek it. This place in the heavenly places is accessible everywhere at the same time to all even those who have no earthly wealth to speak of.

If you find yourself in need of a place to rest. Look for His place carved out especially for you in the Kingdom of God. All honest seekers are welcome from all nations tribes and people groups. Only in His country will we agree on the issues that will mold the present and future of this earth.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Voice of a True Martyr

Psalm 22:31 People not yet born will be told, "The Lord has saved us!"

We consider Jesus who resisted unto death and was raised from the dead. In His most stressful times He still had His eye on future generations.  

Hebrews 12:2 KJV  Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

The future is not behind us but ahead but we must get back there in a sense. In other words we must focus on the Author and Finisher of time to move on into future events. Jesus knows our end from our beginning. So simple trust is enough even when He allows betrayal and hardship. Those who give into fear have taken their hands off the plow, looked back and turned away from the joy that is being set before them by God Himself. Jesus a True Martyr is the time machine. So we must all trust Him when we cannot see past our present circumstances.

Now as for the joy of the Lord. If His Lordship is not a part of our lives the benefits will be hard to see. We are encouraged by David to forget not even one of His benefits even in our past mistakes and failures. The future is out there to engage and take hold of it in the present is the goal. As Christians this is what our savior Jesus did. All can call upon Jesus's name and get power for a present need. Even those who do not believe that He is Messiah. He is God like that. So whoever you are, wherever you are don't forget Jesus laid down His entire life as a true martyr to get you in return.

He considers us worth it.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Biblical Psychology

Man suffers from dis ease when his heart is needy. And needs comfort. But this is not the only reason. There is a Holy dis ease that is healthy. Those times are an indicator that things or somethings are not right. If we have no alarms in our systems to tell us when things are not right Spiritually or physically then we are in real trouble.

Medicine is good for physical treatment of pains and aches. But if we never get to the source of the problem then such medicine does more harm than good. Medicinal cures are hard to come by. And they come with much study by people who say they are smarter than I am.

My mother often tells me there is a difference between book knowledge and applicable knowledge that one can use. So that brings me to my point. Comfort comes when people relate to a situation that is common or known by them.  Our Christian bible has many words of comfort in it. But some divorce it from the context. An awesome God wants to help us navigate through this life. With the knowledge that He this God cares about everything that concerns us.

Our faults and our fears are known to Him and He still cares. But how does this God communicate this to us. As far as I am concerned His chief method is through other people. And if our relationships with others are affected then our ability to receive Love from God is severely hampered. Especially if that is our way of receiving Love from God.

Christians can relate to what I am saying in this post. But if your main way of hearing your god is through yourself or works that you do yourself, then you cannot. Cults work by cutting you off from your family unit that is God chief way of showing that He is working in your life. And then replacing God with a false relationships that continue to feed on keeping you cut off from your Godly social unit.

How should a person who find themselves in this situation get out of it? Ask God to repair the breach between you and your family He God is the only one who can help.

Some in the Christian church act like people of other faiths who practice isolation when they give in to an offense against another Christian or non Christian brother or sister. So the answer is forgiving each other and moving on.

Sounding Off

If we hear the sound of children asking for help. We are on our way to true religion. Not a fakey shakey kind that attracts play actors who are only attracted to the benefits of Christian service. We must help the orphans and widows first.

This is true religion.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Digging Through Spiritual Trash.

How do we know if we blame God for actions that the devil committed with the questions like, How can God allow me to suffer? When is my time of  relief from this suffering coming?

The answer the time of refreshing and resource is already here, and I believe there is greater coming, but people can throw spiritual trash at us. And we can lash back at them and use another spiritual principle as an a smoke screen by saying we are speaking the truth in love. It is up to us if we let anyone's action offend us. If we are really wanting to help a brother or sister by correcting them in love these questions that must be answered.

If we want to get out of the Spiritual Trash. We must know if we as in the corporate church are mad at our brother as a whole. Because there is a blessing in unity. Are you your brothers keeper? We can make excuses and say I am discipling the sister or brother and I am in authority over them so I must tell them the Truth. Or is there an offence there. I heard a sermon by a brother John Bevere based on his book the Bait of Satan. He talks about taking offense as being the chief problem when one falls into any type of sin. Forgiving is a principle that is the answer to the problem of offence and must not be mistaked as a weakness.

So I'm all for getting out of the trash. Join me and take the high road and don't take offense so easily. Harsh joking and being hypocritical by acting like we are something we are not. For example supposing that we have no limitations in this time of refreshing is not conducive to unity in the Body of Christ. There is a commanded blessing in unity but offense and strife will break and cause division. There are some things that money cannot buy. Peace is one of them but restful slumber in a a state of false peace is dangerous.

So if you find yourself restless it could be a warning from the Lord Jesus Himself that something is wrong and it is time to take action. Forgive, because that is a Principle that is ingrained in fundamental or should a say basic Christianity. Thank and praise your way into the tabernacle not made with human hands and run to His mercy seat in the time of need. Father God has need of us. We must not waste our time in the trash.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Children obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Ephesians 6:1

How many of us have Godly Spiritual parents that mentor us and train us up in the way that we should go. Are we submitting to those Spiritual parents as a child should obey their parents.  Authority comes when we submit to authority. Whether it be political authority or civil authority any other authority that God has put on this earth.

(Romans 13:1 KJV)
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

I often disagree with our current administration on some ideas, but I must honor my governmental authorities. In God I cannot slander them or disrespect them as Romans 13:1 says. I must pray for our president and ask God that He guide Him into making wise choices for our nation.

1 Timothy 2:1-6 KJV  I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;  (2)  For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.  (3)  For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;  (4)  Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.  (5)  For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;  (6)  Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

All of our wise choices come from wise decisions that spring from prayer. Prayers for each other and prayers corporately as a collective church. So as we go to our voting booths be they electronic or otherwise. We must engage in actively seeking to shape how the executive branch looks.

If our leaders are corrupt so goes our nation. If our leaders are a blessing our nation will be blessed.

God Bless America

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Rejected

He hears us in our prayers and meditations. What does it take for blessed assurance that God hears us and loves us with an everlasting Love. Will it take a whirlwind of fire as in the days of Elisha. Or can we hear His still small voice amongst the voices of people. God will meet you where you are.

What doest thou here, Elijah?

God asks this question today of us who grow weary in well doing. He does not always answer in the whirlwind. But is the still small voice a lesser miracle. Because God sometimes chooses the foolish things to confound the wise. Remember even the least in the Kingdom of God is greater than Elijah who received a greater anointing than his mentor. Our King is Jesus who says this in Luke 7:28.

Many of us are here in the cave because in our hopelessness we have played with the fire of our enemy the Devil who was known as Satan and goes by many other names. Pro 6:28, Psa 139:8 But God will meet you where you are. He doesn't want that any human would perish in their sins. His mercy and loving kindness endures forever.  Don't refuse Our Lord Jesus when He ask you, What are you doing here?

Some others are in the cave because of service to our King. And even others are there because of a mixture of both. But God will meet you where you are. Our enemy wants to kill us spiritually and physically but his motives are to take as many people to Hell with him as he can. Jesus Calls us out of the cave of the cares of this world. And for this reason there is work to be done. And Jesus wants  you. Weak tired or broken it does not matter. Jesus is on the potter's wheel prepared to make us over again.

Jeremiah 18:4 And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it.

So we submit to God making us new again. But others want to remind you of your faults and short comings. Your past failures or your current ones that you have repented for. What should you do? Remember the still small voice that drew you out of your cave of sin. And know that He loves and does not remind us of the past or any current weakness unless it needs to be dealt with. Otherwise you should reject all voices that heap on condemnation. Our medicine is God's companionship.

Humanism is relying on others to be your god for you. And Jesus will allow anyone who wants to to stay in the cave and wait for a replacement. But the counterfeit is not the original.

We all need to talk to God and His people. But what if His people don't want to talk to you? They just want a to fellowship with God but not His people. Or you don't fit into someone else's idea of a good enough Christian to fellowship with. Remember He will meet you where you are. Jesus accepts the rejected in the Beloved. Jesus says in Matthew 19:29

Matthew 19:29 KJV
(29)  And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.

Remember He will meet with you. So ask Him.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Old School Coversion

Everyone wants power to do what they need to do in their daily lives. No matter what field of study or system one finds themselves in. We all need power. Power to learn or use a skill, to overtake a field of study for God. God's goodness is His person. In other words all good gifts come from God. So if you want a gift of power to overtake obstacles from God you have to know Him and His Son Jesus.

So just ask God to make himself known to you in your everyday life right now. Pray this prayer with me.

Thank You God that You give all Your children authority over their enemies and authority to occupy territory for Your Kingdom on this earth. I ask now that you forgive any sins that I have committed that have hindered the working of Your supernatural power in my life. I want to be in the family of God and I thank Jesus for making a way for me to be in the Kingdom of God by dying on the cross and being raised from the dead by the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of Truth. Help me to believe that Jesus now lives in me because he turns no one away who approaches Him honestly.

Thank you that as you receive our prayer and accept us into your family that this same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead now dwells in us. Thank You Holy Spirit for giving us the power to live a life set apart from parts of this world's system that are not controlled by Your children. Help us to live a life set apart totally for Your use. AMEN (so be it)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Get Oil

How do we stop our dependance on forien oil. Drill safe offshore? In Alaska? How do we make it safe for our economy. There is always risk in business but eleven people died someone should be accountable for this. Lives are worth more than oil money. Just a thought? I hope the Attorney General finds evidence to convict or let BP go free, just investagate so justice can be served.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Why So Personal?

Can we stick to the politics. Instead of smear tactics of peoples personal lives. That is so high school. I have nothing against high school but we are supposed to be setting the example for our youth as adults.
Just a thought.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

AVATAR : Stewardship or Goddess Worship?

Stewardship or Goddess Worship?

Key Statement - All energy is just borrowed someday you have to give it back.

God has everything. Everthing belongs to Him. A childhood song I learned in Church. Just watched Avatar Stellar movie. Who saw Goddess worship? Some say that the Holy Spirit has female quailities. Some don't see evil as a threat. Which some?

Well, that would be the Trinity Himself. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Joshua of the Bible (my Scriptures), asked a question of an angel once. And the angel told him that God doesn't take sides. Why?

Well I believe there is only one side. God's side. Who can know the direction of His side? Are the Spirituals East or West, North or South? That is why we must not get to haughty. In the Psalms. God says who should question or council Him but Himself. He said this through a human David. But the eithernet Cord's power comes from His side.

In AVATAR there was one tree and in Christianity there are two. But only one that you want to be connected too. And the hair as in Samson's case represented a connector. Only this time the main characters hair wasn't cut. This reminds me to keep the main thing the main thing. That is staying humble and admitting that God holds His own council and everything in nature and humanity belongs to Him. Nature was given to us to steward.

And He alone not the G6 will hold us responsible. He does and may very well use them to do this in the near future. But when we see all things evil we miss the fact that evil is not always tangible. But the Holy Spirit is. So take care of what you have been given. That is the message of avatar to me.

Thanks to the makers of the movie.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Do You Care What I Think?

You shouldn't. God loves everyone. I'm trying to get people to focus on HIS opinion amongst mine and ever other human opinion out there. Did you like my previous post? It doesn't matter. Ignore it. If you want. Its all about what Does Jesus Think. WDJT

He's really intelligent and does think. People including myself all have a level of ignorance. If you don't think so your not that smart. Sorry. We all have something that we don't know. But my belief is that God knows everything. Join me if you want. Or don't. But think about God's opinion of you first before you trash mine.

There is a method to my madness. I'm playing the devils advocate most of the time. And masking my true opinion. Cause people can be harsh. I've lived through enough harshness in my life already.

Have you read the Bible lately. There is facts and Truth and Compassion mixed with Truth. Happy Holiness makes one want to do what God loves not out of any kind of obligation or fear. Fear kills. Don't care so much about people pleasing. You will die trying.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Last Time I Checked?

Well, What do we have to fear? Being Charged with Hate Crimes. Fore preaching, which is part of our charter, what Jesus taught. Jesus did teach we are to preach the Gospel to all men. Homosexuality does not exempt you from Hell. Even hell on earth.

In our bible. God loves us enough to correct. If you see a drowning man would you simply in a nice sweet tone of voice. Say please don't drown. Or do you jump right in with him and pull him violently if necessary out of the water. Then apologize later. At least he will be there to apologize to. If you don't want to live should we just let you die in the water?

What does this have to do with Hate Crimes? Everything as far as I'm concerned. But its not the Hate Crimes Bill I'm talking about. Its a crime to not hate what God hates if you are a Christian. He is not willing that any man or woman should perish. He hates hell and hellfire. Those fires were made for fallen angels not people. So don't go there.

10 ways to avoid Hades.

Die a Christian
Die a Christian
Die a Christian
Die a Christian
"" "" 6
Ok you get the point.

So now that we know how to avoid Hades. Then How do we get to Heaven. Or Heaven on earth. Take responsibility for your own Happiness. Then give some of that same responsibility to God. Its about Happy Holiness I'm talking about here. God is the one who uses people for good. The last time I checked.

He has people lots of people who want to be used for good deeds. So sign up with HIM