Monday, April 11, 2011

Loving Your Neighbor Romans 13:8-10 MSG (Message Bible)

Subtopic: Loving and answering the don'ts of Life.

Neighbors come in all religious flavors. Not all of them Christians. When Jesus walked this earth the first go round He loved all into health that He came in contact with, but there were a few exceptions. Those with hearts intent on keeping their own way of hate.

I don't like to admit that I sound like the evil guy at times but that is true for all of us at one time or another. But that is par for the course if you are intent on reaching the goal of Loving your neighbor as yourself. But it is the standard by which we Love that I am concerned about. If we aim low. What good is it even attempting to hit the mark at all. An example of a low mark would be following the crowds idea of a debase mind. Or living like you have nothing to live for. Which because of aiming low in life some lose hope of ever reaching a Higher the Spiritual mark of acutally living in Wholeness with others.

For example a healthy relationship with the God of the Universe would start you off on a Higher Plane in my opinion. My God for example expects those who believe He exists to acutally Love each other to the point that they would lay down thier lives for each other. Not in a false since of humility. Where you deny your God given desires. But you just choose to give them away. Back to that God who gave them to you first then to others who are lacking and others who have more of a Healthy realtionship with the God of the Universe than you.

Every person on the planet got standards even if they are not aware of them. Our job is to live in such a way that we represent those who are in Authority over us. And live like you acutally want to Love your neighbor even if you fall far short.

A family friend preached a sermon about the dirt and grime being flushed out of our systems once we decide that we want a Higher form of Life on this earth. It the grime shows sometimes when its being flushed out of your system so we must be patient with ourselves and others in this process of "purging" the system.

In Christian circles we often disagree on how to go about this flushing out. Denying yourself things that would not benefit the process or should I say help it along. But if you pay attention to Jesus' Ways as my family friend told me. You would see that Love is the more excellent way. No one disagrees with Love for the most part. Its detecting the way a person will recieve this Godly Love that is the key. Every human is different. So how you show this Love to should differ from person to person. Jesus was and is a Master at this skill.

He, Jesus disliked the pigeon hole approach where one expects all people to just recieve Love in the same way. So this unique approach to each human makes us rely on a Higher Power who would know each persons hearts desire and help us to Love them how they want to be loved the most. Uniquely. But there are a few things that are common to all. And thats where most of us live. In the common areas.

But what if God has called every human to learn how to Love each other individually and collectivly in a new Light. This Light I speak of knows everyone individually from their birth and even after their deaths. So what's my point?

The struggles common to humans work fine we start there as a point of contact when we Love each other back into a healthy sense of this new Light. Those are the basics of Loving each other. But to get to the Higher Levels attention much be given to how one likes to be Loved. Not just how that should be Loved.

We all fall short of the land of should be. I should know how to do this already but I'm still learning. I should not even think of hurting another back just because they hurt me. I should do many things that I don't do and that in our Holy Book is sin ( seperation from Power ). I should, I should, I should. And I could go on. But that won't help me learn this Higher Level of Loving my neighbor. I can only speak for myself since I know a little bit of how I liked to be Loved and Loved into learning to Live in this Light. Who is a personality. A person, a human no less. But even more than a human a God Man who seeks to show us how to be God men.

So lets agree to disagree in true Love and lets learn to be all that we can be Spiritually. I do not agree that all will reach this High level of Love. Because, the one who is teaching me said they wouldn't. I believe Him. As to the number who will ultimately miss the mark of the Higher Calling I cannot say. But training each other to Love will help more than hurt the number who will ultimately reach the Destination I speak of.

Later Aligator.

SLM, Shundra L. Moore

PS. excuse any mispelled words.