Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Worship in Spirit and in Truth

Worship in Spirit and in Truth.

God is Spirit and we are created like Him by God. Man is also spirit and is called to yield himself to his true nature, which is a spirit who has a body. That one who yields will agree with Jesus who is the God man.

I hear you say agree in what way should I agree with Jesus? Well, God is concerned with our condition on this earth. He even sent His son, Jesus, to make sure that we have the ability to live the life that He died and was raised from death for. The ambition of my life is to know by experience this a life that consistently yields to God in the mundane day to day life right here on earth.

The Third person of the Trinity the Holy Spirit who is also God is here to help me with this ambition. I am concerned about where in life and how correction by the Holy Spirit is given. For me personally this correction usually comes concerning how I see God. As Father as friend ect. But I know even His correction is kind because I know Him. If I see God as a harsh being who sends all types of calamity to train me to be Holy or separate from the world system. This attitude will affect how I receive His promises to me. Do you see God as a god who has to be angry to get a point to a lesser being or is completely justified in getting angry at sin which is separation from His children?

Sin can be illusive for the Christian and other honest seekers. Especially if you can recognize the big ten thou shall nots or the don’ts. Our enemy will usually will not come at those who recognize those in an obvious way. The don’ts are there to show us the boundaries of protection so that we can stay within His shielded area. But I am convinced that God wants us to know Him by who He is not what He does not want us to do.

I see and am seeing God as a kind Father who has all power and will not force His Lordship on His capstone creation, who is man. A kind God who wants me to execersise my God given authority in situations where others are not willing to submit to or are unaware of God's true nature. As He did.

I consider worship as everything that one is and does towards God. And as I said God is concerned with my condition on this earth being the same as the position that Jesus won for us, all humankind, on the cross of Calvary and in the rich man’s tomb. How we see God is paramount to how we act towards His promises to us in the Bible and proclaimed to us by the Bible made flesh Jesus.

So if God makes you a promise How you see Him will determine if you take His promise seriously. Or if it is just another man's broken fantasy proposed as Truth. Who do you worship? What is He like?

Is He concerned about you? Do you have to break a coded language to get to Him or jump through a series of intellectual hoops just to be aware of His presence? If so consider Jesus who is willing to meet you where ever you are.

Worship is about God and how you see Him. We can only worship in our daily lives to the degree that we believe that He has our best interest at heart. He wants the best for us more than we want the best for ourselves in this life.

Later Aligator
SLM - Shundra L. Moore