Compelling people to receive God's Love through others. Sometimes you have to go through their hearts desires (their likes) to compel them to see how much God has already done for them.
Not many will want to bless another in this way. Some say you have not qualified for the blessing. But God qualifies by the blood of Jesus not from works even if those works are in faith.
Works that are in faith are simply acts that please God. But God is not waiting for you to please Him to show you Love. That would be a barter system. I don't serve a Jesus like that one. His love is unconditional His mercy and favor is at His command.
If I live in poverty for the rest of my life I will still be content. Not with the poverty. But with my relationship with God. I personally choose to be content. Because he has already delivered me from Hell. I'm not trying to buy my salvation or pay God back for saving me from Hell by pleasing Him. I make an effort to please Him because I love Him.
And he is showing me how He wants to be Loved. Because I asked Him how He liked to be Loved. That answer has reward in learning the personality of Jesus. How about knowing someone personally who can make a new star system. I'm working on that.
Later Alligator - Exodus 2:3
SLM Shundra L. Moore